Scoil Mhuire Glenties
Scoil Mhuire teaches the Primary School Curriculum as outlined by the Department of Education and Science. Teachers use a variety of resources and methodologies to teach subjects. The core activity books and schemes used for classes are outlined below. Déis funding enables us to provide additional learning opportunities for children including tin whistle, recorder, swimming, theatre visits, dance lessons, and a variety of sports. Book lists will be sent with children's Report cards in June.
Click on the links to download our curricular policies.
Gaeilge- Irish
Infants to Second: Bua na Cainte
Third to sixth:Bun Go Barr
Literacy- English
Infants: Magic Emerald; Sounds in action.
First & Second: Treasury; Sounds in Action.
Third To Sixth: Reading Zone; Read At Home;
Exercise Your English; Better English.
Numeracy- Mathematics
Infants To Second: Planet Maths
Third to Sixth: Maths Matters
S.E.S.E- History, Geography, Science, SPHE
Junior Infants-Second: What a Wonderful World
Third - Sixth: History Quest; Windows on the World;
Where on Earth.
SPHE: Walk Tall; Stay Safe
The Arts- Music, Art and Drama
Songs, drama and poetry are taught across the curriculum. The children learn to play the tin whistle up to 4th class, and then progress to the recorder. Scoil Mhuire encourages visits from Theatre productions and also visit Theatres as part of School Tours and Outings. We put on a Christmas concert every second year. This year our children will participate in the community Christmas Carol Service
Physical Education
This year PE lessons will be supplied by teachers as well as the following sports instructors:
John Campbell - Finn Harps
Donie McCole - Gaeilic
David Tierney - Basketball
Swimming Lessons are schedulled in 2 year cycles. This year 5th and 6th classes will attend swimming lessons in the final term.