Scoil Mhuire Glenties
Our School
'The school presents as a bright, stimulating and excellent educational environment for pupils'. (Inspectorate Report, Whole School Evaluation, 2005'
The School's philosopohy as outlined in the School Plan aims to 'enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or potential as a unique individual' and 'to prepare the child for further education and life long learning'.
GP Room
Fairy Fort
Basketball & Football
Gazebo &
Yard Games
Our Mission
The Scoil Mhuire Mission Statement is:
We encourage the children in Scoil Mhuire to be independent thinkers and reflective individuals. Children are encouraged to help their neighbour, be active members in their school community and be the best that they can be.
Scoil Mhuire is a Catholic ethos school under the Patronage of Father Gerard Cunningham in the Parish of Iniskeel. Our Bishop is Bishop Alan McGuckian of the Raphoe Diocese. Our children are taught from the "Grow in Love" and "Alive-O!" religious programmes, and are prepared for the Sacraments of Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation. We celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas through song and nativiy. We remember Christ's teachings on feast days and rejoice in his gifts at school assembly. We pray at the start of our working day and as the school day ends. We respect and recognise other faiths whilst practising our own.